I currently have a few obsessions. One of these is buttons. I don't know why, but any and all buttons are catching my attention. I've been looking for vintage buttons and trying to find ways of using them (other than to "button"). I used a few small vintage pieces to make earrings for my daughter. Then I started a collage of Frida Kahlo and I thought it might be nice to use buttons for her eyes and splice her image with that of a sugar skull. Maybe this fetish started from watching "Coraline". I really enjoyed the doll world. Any way, as I've been trying to find ways to fill this craving, I thought maybe I should try to make buttons. Crafty Goat has a great tutorail for making button molds to use with polymer clay and Bake It Pretty sells a super neat candy mold. The images aboove are edible buttons from Bake It Pretty.

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