Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm getting behind on this...

Christmas came and went, then New Year's, and then my birthday...

The highlights are:  Athena got everything she wanted for Christmas and had a great time.  I got everything I wanted (except for snow boots and now those will have to wait) and I decided holidays are more fun when you take a friend.  I baked and assisted in the baking of new things,  I sold some arty type stuff, and I finished a piece for a show; not everything was a success, but it was an experience.  Now it's almost time to move... in the winter... and maybe in snow... ick.

We're going to a house!  No more apartment, but this isn't the house; it's far too small and made of cookies, plus there are no windows.  I'm more excited about warm weather and the house because we'll finally have outdoor space, but I'll  survive a move in winter... right?

This lady went to Disney World for the first time and loved it.  She spent one week roaming the Magic Kingdom and swimming at a resort.  So much nicer than dealing with the snow here.

This is the Christmas tutu I knocked out for one surprised and happy little ballerina, but... it was too tight.  So this is the tutu that is sitting on my table waiting to be fixed and it will be, by Saturday morning.  Well, I was close.  It was almost a success.  I tried a different method of construction for the waist band this time and obviously it needs some work (seeing as how by the time it was together I had lost too much length).  I hadn't realized how much 'shrinkage' I would have.  I assumed there would be a little, but not nearly as much as there was.  I did discover though that the ratio of 3 or 4 to 1 was super great (3 or 4 times the waist measurement for the amount of tulle to gather).

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