Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This is (almost) how the garden currently looks.

 This is how the garden looked just a few months ago.

This is how it looked a year ago.

I have three 4'x4' beds and one 2'x2' potato bin.  I tried to put everything in last year, but it didn't work, I got the super poison ivy.  This year however, there were a few very early weeks of warm weather and that's when I finished building.  So I am in my first year of gardening and I've already learned so many things.  I'd like to share them with you.

First of all, squirrels are jerks, really horrible fuzzy little jerks.  Damn them and their little squirrel hands.  I tried to start some seeds this year and I used the break apart biodegradable starter trays.  When I first started them I left the trays outside; the squirrels tore into them.  I moved them inside until they were ready to plant.  The squirrels tore the little pods out of the ground and took the micro greens.  I decided to re-plant with some purchased starts and some seeds.  The squirrels scooped out my row of seeds. 

Birds really like nearly ripe strawberries.  I've also read that they like other berries as well, but I haven't experienced that yet.

It is best to sow herbs and greens directly into the ground.  You can start them inside, but greens are an early crop and herbs are resilient.  They do best directly in the ground.

Otherwise I can tell you that herbs thrive and don't require much maintenance.  My herb garden has exploded.  I'll post pictures soon.  I don't have a picture of the re-planted third bed, but it's coming.  This weekend, I will probably be planting again  (squirrels are jerks) and adding fences.  I think if I tack chicken wire to the sides and maybe do netting or more wire over the top, I will also get to enjoy strawberries and salad greens.

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