Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Snapshot

I was feeling crabby and stressed.  I think because my house is a mess and tonight is the night of our thanks for helping and happy birthday party.  I am working until 4:30 and at 6:30 I'm entertaining.  That's makes me feel stressed.  It shouldn't, but it does.  I have some sort of fear of a miscellaneous bra or fuzzy dish being found by guests or, maybe the house just smells like cat food.  I would feel weird about this.  I don't think I would hold it against anyone if I experienced any of these things as their guest, but I don't want them happening to me as a host.

Anyway, I'm a krabby patty, but work had free breakfast today and I was happy about that.  Today the main item was breakfast sandwiches.  I was ready to be disappointed, but... they brought a veggie option this time!!  Yay!  Someone listened!  I love warm spinach.  So my mood did not dip any lower and that was good.

I returned to my desk after eating more than one veggie breakfast-wich (I was excited so I had to eat multiples) and went back to checking my email.  I had one email that said "Congratulations" in the subject line...

Summer fun.  I love fair photos.  Taking photos is my #2 reason for attending the state fair.
A month ago I entered a photo contest through our local museum  that is being held in conjunction with a current photo exhibit.  I submitted 3 photos; one that suited my current mood and I thought was strong, one that was older, but that I still really liked, and another just because it felt like summer.  The exhibit is "Snapshot: Painters and Photography" and the contest is called My Snapshot.  The contest is open to all levels of photographers and each month (June, July, August) there will be a total of 6 winner (1st-3rd place by online voting and 1st-3rd place by jury selection).  There were over 600 entries for June and I placed 3rd in the jury selection.  It might be silly, but this made me very happy.  So yay!  My day has improved and I've been told that the house is being cleaned.  If you follow the links here you can browse the photos submitted and maybe even enter some of your own.  It's easy and free.  I'm also planning to go to the exhibit soon.

This is where my head has been.  I also believe that my tabletop photography has come a long way.

This is my Lady Bean wearing the first tutu I ever made while running through the parking lot of our old apartment building.
The photo above of my daughter is the 3rd place Judges selection for June.  She's so cute and she's grown so much since this was taken.


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