I'm impressionable or maybe I'm just curious, but I have a tendency to run out and do what I read or see. Yesterday Apartment Therapy told me that geraniums are easy to grow so when I went on break from work, I bought some (of course I pinned the article first). Today they are already living in my yard. Several days ago I was reading Young House Love's 2013 Pinterest Challenge. They did window boxes so I rushed home and pulled mine out of the garage. They are up and flowing with flowers now.
How did I choose my honeymoon location? I read about it on Poppytalk. How did I choose this year's first anniversary vacation destination? I saw a photo of an amazing place on Pinterest. Once I figured out this spot was in the US, it was on.
I've read a lot about people sitting and pinning, getting lost for hours in all that visual candy, but not exactly doing. That isn't me, obviously. I can only look at a screen for so long. I have to be doing. So my new term is pin-doing (say it all together and make it flow). Sometimes it isn't exact pin-doing, but adapting something I've seen into something else. Regardless, I usually pin it for keeping or find it pinned.
Anyway, I've made peace with my addiction, but sometimes I think the internet should just stop showing me things.
This was taken the day I read about window boxes. Yesterday, the lawn was mowed, the beds were edged, and geraniums found a home. I'll post the progress next week. |
an ever curious b
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